Monday, February 15, 2010

Prayers for Eva

I'm typing this post in sadness, searching for the words to make since of all this. A transplant is supposed to make things all better...but another CFer is struggling for breath. I have been following Eva's blog closely, she has become one of my inspirations guiding me in my fundraising efforts, and it saddens me that she is preparing for a farewell. The only things I can deep down think is that heaven will be welcoming home an Angel, but my selfishness thinks, she is too young...too beautiful...too loving...this isn't fair. So with a heavy heart, please please please keep Eva, her family and friends in your thoughts and prayers...With my deepest love and gratitude thanks for sharing your life and spirit with us all Eva!

1 comment:

Yaya said...

Praying for Eva and strength for her family......