Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Monday, March 29, 2010

I'm an Organ Donor...and Damn Proud of It!

One of the most important things to CFers and their families...are viable/available LUNGS...when my brother was placed on the transplant list in 1999 it gave us HOPE...I became a donor and from then on I have realized the importance of HOPE and FAITH, Bubba didn't make it to transplant, but he believed in the process, and held on as long as he could...

Organ Donors, are few and far between and these are just a few questions I have for you?

Did you know that more than 96,000 men, women and children currently need life-saving organ transplants? and 7,000 of them live in the state of Texas?

That every 11-13 minutes another name is added to the national organ transplant waiting list?

That an average of 18 people die each day from the lack of available organs for transplant?

That in 2008, there were 7,984 deceased organ donors and 6,218 living organ donors resulting in 27,961 organ transplants?

That in 2007, approximately 30,000 grafts were made available for transplant by eye banks within the United States?

Sad Statistics...

According to research, 98% of all adults have heard about organ donation and 86% have heard of tissue donation.

90% of Americans say they support donation, but only 30% know the essential steps to take to be a donor.

There is an an estimated 24.8 million citizens in the state of Texas, and only 653,940 registered donors, which is about 38% of the population.

My Chanllege to all my readers is to become a donor today...and know that if in the event you could have the ability to give the "Gift of Life" and save or improve the lives of as many as 50 people. Please visit Donate Life Texas, and become a donor today!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

A Sad Day...

thinking of you all at this time...with deepest and most sincere sympathy...thank you Eva for sharing your life with us all...your story has impacted the world...your legacy will continue, and you will never be forgotten...with a heavy heart...from, your friend in TX...Samantha Relien (

Monday, March 22, 2010

A Night to Remember...

Jam Session
Michael Thomson of Michael's Restaurant, Ft.Worth.
With Pat and Patrick Davis
Meeting Pat for the 1st time...after being a fan for a good 10 years +!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

John Mayer Review

The highlight of last nights show for me was hearing John sing Fleetwood Mac...this is from a previous concert, that I found on YouTube...wish my camera quality would have been better b/c I would have used my video. John Mayer...WoW...what a musician...what a great show...what great friends...a night I will never forget! His rendition of "Dreams" left all speechless and longing for more.

Thank you Tammy for sharing the tickets with your sisters...we had a blast!

Friday, March 5, 2010

3rd Band Added to the Line-up

I just received notification that 17 Hands High will join the line-up again this year. I've had my fingers crossed that they would accept my offer and after a week of patiently waiting for the word, I received it this morning...thanks George! Just wanted to share that with all my readers.

I'm going to leave you with a few photos from last years concert...I'm so ready for our 2nd Annual...and patio drinking with all the people I love, honoring one of the most dearest things in my life...we do it for you Bubba!